Hello world!

September 20, 2009

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RAK from my dear friend Tina :)

September 19, 2009

Oh My Goodness, How I just loooooooooove surprises….

How is this for total yum-alicious flower heaven? My dear friend Tina surprised me the other day with this totally gorgeous collection of flowers, tags, journalling bits n pieces, and embellies, omg sooooo many beautiful gorgeous things in here (still amazed at what she can fit into an envelope!!!!) She made a drop dead gorgeous card as well with her sweet baby girl, Bindy on front, she is such a lil sweetheart with a gorgeous smile, how nice it was to find my little mate Bindy popping out off the envelope lol.

Tina you are such a sweetie, and I thank you with lots of love & hugs (again) lol.

Kylie’s Flower Challenge at SWV Cyber Crop

September 14, 2009

This is my entry for Kylie’s Challenge on the SWV Spring themed Cyber Crop from the weekend. We had to use floral paper, a flower transparency, a chippie flower and include the word “flower” in the title.

Thanks for looking 🙂 Hope you all have a great day…. what’s left of it lol.

Cheers Kris 🙂

Vroooooooooooooooooooooom OMG SuperPowerBoats at Moreton Bay today :)

September 13, 2009

OMG these things were UNREAL!!! They are so loud and fast omg was incredibly good fun trying to catch photos of these guys today. Here’s a pic of “Big Red” as I was calling him, anything red and big and fast has gotta be good don’t ya think? lol

I couldn’t believe how low these helicopters fly over the boats and even scarier, the turkeys who are filming from the helicopters, man I’m talking, could see legs hanging out of the doors, holy cow!!!! Adrenalin junkies or what?? hehehe

We went for a quick cruise through the Scarborough Marina yesterday and saw a couple of these guys up on their trailers, OMFG they are HUGE HUGE HUGE! The engines are enormous, trailers the size of a house, unbelievably gorgeous pieces of machinery is all I can say.

We were going to trek up this arvie after the race finished to check them all out and grab some photos, but family called and informed us we were supposed to be visiting with them, like wtf? when did we make that plan I wonder?? but anyway, nature of the beast, keep everyone happy happy happy, so we had to ditch our plans 😦 oh well, always next year I suppose….

Hope you all had a happy & safe weekend,

Cheers Kris 🙂

Oh What a Day it’s been…..

September 9, 2009

Firstly…..A very big huge Happy Birthday to my gorgeous girl Ellie 🙂 6 today!!! Wahoo!

Anyway…. somedays we mums just feel like tortured old souls, slaves, cooks, washerwomen, chauffeurs, cleaners, you name it, I’m quite certain that I’ve felt it. So normally on our kid’s birthdays (as we have such a large family) we generally don’t do birthday parties as such, we stick to just the family, inlaws, outlaws, etc etc.

This morning I started at 6am with a quick trip to the local IGA to grab some lunchbags for tuckshop (Pay day treat for the kids), and a pack of candles to send off to school with Ellen’s cake to share with her class! Came home, iced said cake, packaged it all up, got the troops ready, delivered the 3 youngsters to school, took Miss Amy & Miss Rach for a treat at Macca’s (OMG) on the way to dropping Rach at High School, so whilst sitting there enjoying an absolutely fabulous cappucino yummmmmmy I decided, what the heck, lash out and have a bit of fun today for Miss Ellen and see what becomes of it….so off to do the grocery shopping, aka mad chaotic dash thru Woolies, picked up quite a few (out of the ordinary for us) treats along the way, grabbed what I needed to make a nice salad & bbq dinner for the family as the inlaws just got home from holidays yesterday (bit of a surprise!!!)

Well my day of fun had just begun….baked another cake (thankya Betty lol), we put a tonne of her frosting on it too yummmo & a cute Dora Icing topper that we found at the supermarket… put up a hundred and one streamers out on the patio, a great big ole birthday banner, made some potato salad, coleslaw, truckload of salad, chilli lamb-burgers, hot oven fries for the kids and blew up a zillion balloons OMG now I know why I hate balloons… anyway this went on for the entire day, closed all the house up, pulled the curtains across the back doorway and set off to pic the kids up (how fast did that school day go??)

Ellie was first to the car going “omg Mummy I’ve had the bestest birthday today with my friends and one of my friends gave me a present, I’m so excited” lol she so cute this kid, we get home and I asked her, “so what did your little friend give you?” she says to me “I don’t know, I was so excited I haven’t opened it yet!” lol

Anyway, said pressie was a gorgeous Fairy Barbie Doll (she is soooooo in love now)…Big Thankyou to Tom & his folks for their thoughtfulness and kindness to Ellen! On to the next big act of the day…..I asked Ellen to go out the back and get something for me….welllllllll the curtain gets pulled across and all I hear is


This girl was so damn excited and thrilled to bits, she couldn’t remember how to open the sliding door lmao. I was nearly flat on my back on the floor with laughter and delight!

Well anyway, the afternoon and evening turned into a great event, and the biggest and best thing ever happened…..

….right when my tired little possum walked up and grabbed me in a big ole bear hug and said

“Mummy I love you sooooooooo much, thankyou for making this bootiful party for ME, you are the bestest Mummy ever!”

And then I just melted!

I’m so utterly worn out and exhausted, but this little gem of a girl just made my entire day so worth the effort! I love her sooooooo much! xo

Hope you have all had a fabulous day 🙂

OMG I love love love getting mail :) Well…. Scrappy Mail anyway lol

September 8, 2009

A HUGE thanks to the girls at Scrap With V for this gorgeous RAK received today. Sadly only one person entered last months sketch challenge there, and that lucky duck was ME ME ME!

So I kinda won by default which is great for me, but come on folks, get your little bottoms into some of these sketch challenges and help to make them grow and who knows…. YOU JUST MAY WIN!!!! Like they say, “you gotta be in it to win it”

So here’s a couple to get you going…..

ScrapWithV – Sketch Challenge

Discover Scrapbooking – Sketch Challenge

ARTastic – Sketch Challenge

From Screen 2 Scrap

Just to name a couple! There are tonnes of them to be found.

Inspiration…….look at this gorgeous photo of yummalicious (hmm is that even a word?) items I got from ScrapWithV – Thanks Girls 🙂 Much appreciated!

Now get scrapping folks lol

Cheers Kris 🙂

Another weekend ………gone before you can blink :(

September 6, 2009

Well normally I love my weekends, but this one, I could have happily have lived without. Woke up Saturday morning with a run to the loo, hand over mouth, at a frantic pace! (And nooooo for all you smart bottoms thinking pregnant!! Not a chance!!!) Managed to contract some gross lil bug for 24 hours, made for a great day as Marty, myself and the kids were supposed to be attending his Cricket Breakup down in Brissy, I managed to stay for about half an hour, then drove all the way home….slept for a couple of hours then bam! sick again, so set off for a marathon drive to the city to pick him and the kids up, hoping to get home before the sick bug struck again, but fortunately it seemed to have simmered somewhat and I spent the entire evening sound asleep. Woke this morning feeling a whole lot better, excepting a few sore ribs from all the vomiting and a sore back, but thems the breaks and it sure beats spending another day vomiting 😦

Fathers’ Day today, managed to eventually cook up some Bacon & Eggs for the troops to enjoy out on the back patio in the glorious morning sun. The kids showered Dad with all their sweet lil gifts that they made & bought at school and a couple of exciting things from mum like a new shaver (hmm good for the legs too eh lol) and a Jim Beam Money box stuffed with fudge (revolting stuff) but he loved the JB money box part lol as I knew he would.

Had my Mum & Dad swing by for a visit, they’ve just gotten home earlier this week from a trip to Melbourne (said it was blardy freeeeeeezing) they took the RV down to attend my younger Brother’s wedding, bought me home a CD of piccies (wooohooo gotta be happy with that). My eldest son Josh, was unfortunately involved in a vehicle crash this week, thank God he is okay, and somehow managed to make it out without a single mark/cut/scratch on him! Don’t ask me how, the kid’s car ended up literally “up a pole” vertical!!! Bloody 4wD cleaned him up from behind…just no excuse for that … once again a valid reason why 4WD’s shouldn’t be on our damn roads!!!

Anyhoo, on a happier note, decided to tackle Brigitte’s gorgeous Sketch Challenge on ScrapWithV for September, needed something constructive to do and well that was the first thing I saw when I jumped onto my lappy.

This is the sketch….

And this is what I came up with…

What better way to start Spring than another great Sketch Challenge

September 4, 2009

This month at Discover Scrapbooking, we have a gorgeous Sketch Challenge by Jolene Pienaar. Jolene is an Aussie Scrap Artist and has been featured in many of our fabulous Aussie Scrap Mags. Her work is truly beautiful and deeply inspiring. Thankyou Jolene for sharing your sketches and your talents with us all.

Sketch by Jolene Pienaar

The rules are very simple…. complete your layout using your own interpretation of the posted Sketch for the month.

Take a pic, resize it to no larger than 300kb, naming it with YOUR NAME, and email it to us @ discover_sketches@y7mail.com with the subject line being “September Sketch Challenge”.

The Prize for this Month is a Store Voucher to the value of $15.00 which may be used in our online store or instore.


Here’s my entry for this month ….

What a great day at the beach yesterday…..TIME TO RELAX!!!

August 31, 2009

Now back to reality, it’s MONDAY arghhhhhhhhhh….. well I have this gorgeous pic of my lovely eldest daughter Rach and I’ve been trying to find something to work with it all day… have been at the shop and probably driven Robyn quite insane by now (sorry Robyn) lol….

anyhoo, I wombled on home and sat here for a while looking through some photos when I had a brain explosion (aka brainfart lol)hehehe

A little while back, I entered a competition and had to do a layout with a photo that was provided to us all, I ended up doing a gorgeous layout for it…. but at the end of the day I was left with a gorgeous page with a photo that meant diddly squat to me, so I figured it’s a shame to use such gorgeous & might I say costly scrappy supplies….sooooo I renovated it 🙂

Yup that’s right….. bring on the removalists and move on in lovely new photo of Miss Rach enjoying a quiet moment of relaxation at the beach yesterday….

So now I have a lovely page, with a gorgeous pic of my big baby girl, and I can sleep well tonight lmao.

Now off to do some proper scrapping me thinks lol….now if I can just find my scrappy friend Tina…

Hope you all had a great day 🙂 Enjoy xo Kris

Just Kickin’ About….

August 29, 2009

Had a quiet morning yesterday, so had a chance to sit and play with this pic of my son Josh, he never lets me get a pic of him EVER!!! so I snuck this one in while he was having a bit of fun at his Aunty’s place the other weekend, not realising Mumma was lurking with the camera mwahahaha 🙂

Had a fabulous evening last night with the girls at DISCOVER SCRAPBOOKING, but then I suppose we always manage to have a great evening lol Plenty of laughter and oh my goodness….the creating…. oh my goodness, I have to say a huge huge HUGE Thankyou to my dear friend Robyn for helping me to put this gorgeous layout together. I haven’t been able to see past the photo…you’ll see why lol EYES omg I adore photos of EYES….this is a sneaky one I managed to get while playing with my camera settings, of my gorgeous lil gingy haired girl Amy, she has the most amazingly gorgeous big blue peepers but this photo has just amazed me as to how BLUE they have come out, so yeah…. big fat scrappers block for me with this one, Robyn organised some beautiful flowers and a scraplet and some of the gorgeous Basic Grey Range of Papers to help keep the eyes as the focal point of this layout. All of these gorgeous products can be found in STORE HERE!

I am truly stunned & amazed at the beauty of this one. So once again, THANKYOU ROBYN, you are a legend!!!!

xo Kris

Hope you guys are all having a FABULOUS weekend, I’m off to the beach tomorrow for my son’s football breakup sooooooo that means MORE PHOTOS woo woo 🙂 Take care xo